If you're fond of pups, You've come to the right place!

Some Pawpular Posts

Dog Digestive System Basics

Most dog owners don’t spend a lot of time thinking about their own digestive processes, much less the basics of the dog digestive system. The only times we really engage with the dog digestive system are when we feed our dogs and when we trot them out to eliminate their waste.

Dog Feeding Schedule

Have you ever thought, “How often should I feed my dog?” Dogs thrive on routine and, though they do not keep track of time like we do, their circadian rhythm, or internal clock, makes it possible for them to tell when it's close to the time for a routine task.

Dog Training Methods

There are so many popular dog training methods out there that it can be frustrating to find out which is which and what method is going to be best for both your dog and you as an owner.If you find it overwhelming and confusing, you’re not alone, So, move ahead.

What to Feed a Sick Dog?

Feeding a sick dog is challenging. Decreased appetite, upset stomach, diarrhea, and vomiting make caring for a sick dog stressful for both you and your pet. A bland diet can help relieve some of these symptoms while also giving your dog the nutrition he needs to recover.

Who We Are

We’re crazy about companion animals. So crazy that we have built this platform where you can get to know about each and every thing that your pup needs. And if it’s behaviour, training, or adoption guidance you need, help is here. We have articles from expert trainers, behaviorists, and veterinarians, as well as pet parents, volunteers, and rescue workers. We are here to provide owners all the information they need to live happily and healthily with their pups.

What you can find here on Puppzilla

At Puppzilla, our mission is to keep dogs at good homes by providing novice and experienced owners alike with the important information needed to make them, and their dogs, very happy and healthy.

Puppzilla covers almost all the things about dog. Our extensive pure and mixed-breed profiles and evaluation of various dog breed characteristics such as behaviours, adaptability and what they mean for a potential owner.

Make sure and check the homepage for breaking news articles and features covering the latest happenings in the dog world, product and food recalls and other information that impacts dog owners.